We hope you'll enjoy our blogs, video and white papers about mobile learning, microlearnings and game-based learning. And please ask us a question or leave a message.
The path to customer satisfaction in retail: why sales employees need to understand the customer journey. Enjoy the read!
Ever wondered why games are such a great tool for corporate learning? And how games engage, motivate and enhance learning outcomes? Enjoy the read!
Ever been hit by 'death by Powerpoint'? In this article we'll briefly explain why storytelling is exceptionally well suited for the transfer of knowledge. We hope you enjoy the read!
Gamification and game-based learning are two seperate things. In this article we will explain both - and why does it matter?
Our Wall of Fame; an ode to the developers of the retail training game 'Flagship Store'
Have a look at our video about how gamification and game-based learning can improve the learning process of your workforce, boosting engagement, knowledge and skills.
With this training game you will prepare staff (of your retailers) in an effective and engaging way. Download the PDF and read how you can train your salesmen the most important USPs and sales tips.
How to apply gamification to improve your training program? Download our whitepaper.
LEES BLOG ( 4 min. )
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